“When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.” John Muir

t: 01766 530824

m: 07780 920 653

Articles & Downloads

Some examples of teaching materials, articles and information about my project management and training services:

Training and Coaching
- The Learning Environment (pdf)                 
- Rapport (pdf)
- Evaluation and Assessment (pdf)
- What is CPD? (pdf)
- Return on Investment (ROI) (pdf)
- Coaching in the Modern Workplace – part 1 (pdf)
- Manage data before data manages you (pdf)

Project Management
- Follow-up Project Management Courses (pdf)
- Project Management Training Example Sheet (pdf)
- Core Principles of Project Management (pdf)
- Composite Role Play Technique (CRP) (pdf)

Change Management
- The Times They Are A’Changin’ – part 1 (pdf)
- The Times They Are A’Changin’ – part  2 (pdf)

Time Management
- Masters of Time – part 1 (pdf)
- The Value and Complexity Grid (pdf)